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Prenatal Massage Saskatoon

pregnancy massageWhile pregnancy is a grand adventure like no other, many moms-to-be experience a range of discomforts, from lower back pain and sciatica to hip discomfort and round ligament pain. As many pregnant women want to avoid taking medication, massage therapy is ideal as it provides natural relief and promotes relaxation throughout pregnancy.

Our RMTs tailor care to the specific needs of each trimester. Here’s a look at how prenatal massage at Central Avenue Health Centre can be a vital part of prenatal care.

Early Stages

Prenatal massage is very similar to a regular massage in the early stages of pregnancy. Depending on how far along the pregnancy is, the mom may still be able to lie on her stomach comfortably. This stage focuses on promoting relaxation and alleviating any early discomforts, helping the mother adjust to the physical changes occurring in her body.

Later Trimesters: Targeted Relief

As the pregnancy progresses into the later trimesters, the focus of the massage shifts to addressing specific areas of discomfort. This includes relieving soreness in the hips and lower back, which often bear the brunt of the additional weight. Additionally, upper back issues may arise due to the increasing size and weight of the breasts. Regular massages during this period can significantly alleviate these discomforts, ensuring a more comfortable pregnancy.

Preparing for Birth: Enhanced Comfort

Prenatal massage aims to make expecting moms as comfortable as possible closer to the end of the pregnancy. Focusing on the lower back and hips, massage therapy can help reduce the discomfort associated with these areas. We may recommend an increased frequency of massages as the pregnancy advances to address the evolving needs and various aches and pains.

Ensuring Your Safety and Comfort

Rest assured that our RMTs always use conservative and appropriate techniques during prenatal massage. While some chiropractic clinics may offer pregnancy pillows for adjustments, they are not always suitable for massage therapy. Instead, we use a variety of pillows to ensure the mother is comfortable and supported throughout the session.

Book a Session Today

If you’re an expectant mom looking for a natural and effective way to manage those bothersome aches and pains, schedule a prenatal massage today. We want to help you enjoy a comfortable pregnancy at every stage!



Prenatal Massage Saskatoon, Sutherland SK | (306) 651-2225